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Personal Albums

Visitors to the site can create their own albums of pictures using the 'My Album' button at the bottom of the page. The following list shows visitors who have decided to make their albums available to everyone else.

[An apology from the programmer: due to a database glitch in mid Sept 2011, we lost all visitor album data. We've reinstated this from a 6 month old backup, but if your album does not seem to exist any more please register again.]

Ann Grant (2 pics)
Trying to trace the Campbells of Soay. My Great Grandmother was Catherine Campbell, her father Donal...
B.MacLean (4 pics)
exploring my Skye roots
Christine (3 pics)
Dave Shone (1 pics)
Pete's passing is sad but many happy memories of climbs in The Cuillin are forever locked in my memo...
Debbie (3 pics)
Alexander and Flora were my Gt Gt grandparents, and Murdoch, their son, was my Gt grandfather who im...
Diane Denneny (1 pics)
Donald Macdonald STEELE (8 pics)
Related to the many Steeles in Carbost/Trien Cemetery
Duncan MacCallum (8 pics)
History of Matheson family who "possibly" moved from harris to Kilmuir then The Scor, Balameanach an...
Fiona Denman (2 pics)
Descended from Murdo and Mary Macqueen, crofters at Balnacnoc, Uig.
Graeme McLeod (1 pics)
Still trying to find ancestors
Hector Campbell (85 pics)
I have been researching my ancestors and descendants and my wife's ancestors and descendants now for...
Helen Macdonald (2 pics)
Interested in the family of John Macfarlane.
Helen McLachlan (20 pics)
Grandmother born at Ollach
Jan Math(i)eson (1 pics)
I am thrilled to find this site and to view beautiful clear photos. I thank Roddie very much for hi...
Meryl Smith (10 pics)
Flora MacDonald and Neil McKinnon and their two small children Charles and Mary left Skye in 1837 on...
Nora (1 pics)
This is my mother’s side of the family.
Patricia Graham (1 pics)
Ross Carter (1 pics)
I just had the idea of searching memorial inscriptions on Skye, as my Great great Grandparents were ...
Sandra Campbell (2 pics)
Research of the Mathieson family, Lower Milovaig
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