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Picture No:3349
Courtesy of:Steve Martin
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Angus Martin (Aonghas na Gaoithe)

Picture Added on 27 January 2025.


Can any Martin male descendants please consider Y-DNA testing and joining the Martins of Skye, Scotland [Y-DNA group] at Family Tree DNA.

A group of 16 men match one another as Martins there. 3 lived in Maligar. 2 of the male ancestors migrated to Prince Edward Island and one stayed on Skye.

Would Donald Martin who has an Ancestry account with a public tree showing 10 family members please test or contact me direct, not via this website.

Added by Stephen Martin on 13 February 2025.
slab no. 536. Iona school. [9th report and inventory of monuments and
constructionsintheouterhebrides, skyeandthesmallisles(hmso, 1928)]

aonghas na gaoithe-“angus of the storms” [buriedunderit.]

“hic iacet angusius iohannis”-“here lies angusius, son of iohannes.

lombardicinscriptionno4.;kilmuir, skye. Iona school[lmmswh].

Added by Stephen Martin on 13 February 2025.
For Martins related to Aonghas this should be of interest.

Register of the Privy Seal (PS1/3 f. 123)
{written in margin - g[ra]tis mgille to haldan}

Ane protectio[u]n made to Iohne Mcgillem[ar]tyne Mast[er] M[ar]tyne Makgillem[ar]tyne Mulcoill Maknycholl Huchone Mcgillem[ar]tyne and Willia[m] Lowma[n] {word crossed out} w[i]th the te[n]nan[n]dis of o[u]r Landis of Trot[er]nes liand w[i]thin the erldome of Ross and lordship of the Ilis in the commo[u]n forme etc at Edinburgh the xviij day of August the yer of god Jajvc & sevin yeris & of the kingis regne the xxj yer[is]
sub[scriptus per reg[em] {signed by the king}

This entry is numbered 1522 in the printed in Registrum Secreti Sigilli (The Register of the Privy Seal) ed. M Livingston, (Edinburgh, 1908), volume 1, no.1522
Note: ‘i’; and ‘j’ were interchangeable, so Iohne is Johne; ‘Master’ likely means a university graduate.

Jaj is a correction of 1m – Latin for 1 mille, i.e 1, 000; vc – ‘v’ is Latin for 5 and the superscript ‘c’ stands for centum, i.e 100. So the year date is 1507. ‘xxj’ is 21 the final i’ is elongated and so is written as a ‘j’. Up to 1600, the New Year began on the 25 March.

Master Martyne Makgillemartyne was the minister at Trotternish. He had died by May 1536 as can be seen from the following entry in the Register of the Privy Seal
Register of the Privy Seal, vol ii, no 2045
Apud Stirling 22 Maij 1536

Presentatio M. Rodorici Farquhar Hectorissone – super rectoriis ecclesie nostre Domine in Barwas in the Leous, ecclesie de Kilmalrok in Troutirnes et ecclesie de Kilconane, infra jurisdictionem et diocesim Soderensem nunc vacantibus per decessum quondam M. Martini McGilmertyne ultimi rectoris et possessoris earundem, ad presentationem domini regis et collationem episcopi Soderensis pleno jure spectantibus etc.
Per Signaturam x.122

Presentation of Mr Rodorick Farquhar Hectorissone – to the rectories of the churches of our Lord in Barwas in the Leous, the church of Kilmalrok in Troutirnes and the church of Kilconane, within the jurisdiction and diocese of Soder now vacant through the death of the deceased Mr Martin McGilmertyne last rector and possessor thereof, according to the presentation by the king and the collation of the bishops of Soder with full right belonging thereto etc.
By the signet (PS1/10 f. 122)

The diocese of Soder was later known as the diocese of the Isles and encompassed Bute and the whole of the Western Isles, including Lewis, Skye, Mull and Jura
Leous - Lewis
Martini is the Latin form of the christian name, Martin
Mr indicates that he was a graduate of a university

John M - Mast. Martin M - John M? - Aonghas ???

Added by Stephen Martin on 13 February 2025.

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