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Picture No:3044
Courtesy of:Donald Steele
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William Steele & sons.

In/loving memory of/WILLIAM STEELE/who died 5th April 1988/aged 52/beloved husband of/HELEN STEWART/also their dearly loved/and mourned youngest son RORY/who sadly died on 15th Jan. 1996/also their infant son/who died 28th July 1967.

Picture Added on 13 May 2018.


I met some Steele brothers in Carbost back in 1975 with my father and mother who were visiting Carbost where our Stewarts had emigrated from. One I believe was the postmaster. Years later my sister was hitch hiking across Skye and was given a ride by a nice gentleman who asked if she knew his friend in Canada. She asked where was he from...Ontario, oh I'm from Ontario, what city? Ottawa.. Oh, i'm from might know him... hmm... His name is Harold Stewart...That's my father....the car almost went off the road... They had a good laugh, our father had continued to write Mr. Steele over the years. I also was going through family letters from Skye to Canada. In one from the 1820s or 1830s a brother in Carbost mentions a nice new family had moved into the area from the south...the Steeles... I am going to Skye next week or so and will be in Carbost.
Added by Randall Stewart on 17 October 2018.
Thank you for this Randall. Those brothers were almost certainly my Uncles. The gravestone above of my Father and Brother has just been cleaned and updated with the details of my Mother who is now laid to rest there as well. I don't have an image of the updated inscription yet. Image 482 is of the Parents (my Great Grandparents). Images 3045, 3047 and 481 are of the Sons and 3046 of the Daughters. 481 is my Grandfather who was the postmaster you refer to. Enjoy your trip to Skye!
Added by Donald Steele on 17 October 2018.

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