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Picture No:12
Courtesy of:Roddie Macpherson
GraveyardAshaig Old
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Donald & Anna Robertson. Angus Robertson. Weston.

[Left stone]

Thogadh/an Ceann-Cuimhne so/mar/Chomharradh-Gràidh/le'n teaghlach/do an athair/DOMHNULL/MACDHONNACHAIDH/(Domhnull a' ROBASTANNAICH)/a chaochail an Januar 1911 aig/aois tri-fichead-'sa'-h-ochd-diag/agus do am màthair/ANNA AONGHAIS 'ic IAIN 'ic NEIL/a chaochail an Septem. 1930 aig/aois ceithir-fichead-'sa'-dha-dhiag/do am bràthair, NIALL/agus do 'Nannie' agus do 'Foy'/a dh'fhag saochal an dòlais so 'nan luragan maoth/...?

[Right stone]

"B'e sin an carragh-cuimhne buan/chan uaigneas far an tachair e."

Mar chuimhneachan air/AONGHAS MacDHONNACHAIDH/1871-1948/agus a mhac/WESTON SEUMAS/1909-1942/["recent"].

Picture Added on 02 January 2014.

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