Picture No: | 1160 |
Courtesy of: | Roddie Macpherson |
Year: | 2014 |
Graveyard | Portree Old |

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John & Catherine (Ross) Cameron. & family.
In memory of/JOHN CAMERON/who died/on the 10th October 1873/aged 75 years/and his manly worth/kindness to the poor and/distressed, hospitality and/labours of love as member/and elder of the Free church/.
Job. XIXII - 13.
also of his wife/CATHERINE ROSS/who died/on the 2nd October 1859/aged 47 years/and who was by word and/example, living epistle/of Christ to his children/and to all around her.
Five infant children/are also buried here.
There remaineth therefore a rest/to the people of God.
AEXANDER CAMERON/second son of/JOHN CAMERON/procurator fiscal, Portree/author of/history and tradition/of the Isle of Skye/died on the 16th January 1872/aged 31 years/beloved by all who knew him/His life was bright with promise/his death cheered by the/Christian's hope.
MARY ANN MACLACHLAN/his wife/died on the 24th June 1875/aged 35 years/DUNCAN and ALICK/two of their young children are buried here/JOHN DONALD/their eldest child/in Lochmaddy/CATHERINE ROSS/their only daughter/died in Edinburgh/on the 30th October 1920/aged 88 years/buried in Morningside Cemetery.
Whether we live therefore/or die we are the Lord's Rom. XIV.8.
MARION CAMERON/eldest daughter of/JOHN CAMERON/and wife of the/Revd. ALEXANDER MACKENZIE/died on the 29th November 1875/aged 40 years/her remains lie in another/part of this churchyard/JAMES/their second son/and an infant daughter/are buried here.
And God shall wipe away all/tears from their eyes.Rev. VII. 17.
Picture Added on 13 April 2014.

Born 1813–1816, Lochcarron, Ross-shire, Scotland.
Added by Gordon J Callon on 18 June 2016.
Marriage: 12 June 1834, Portree, Inverness-shire, Scotland. [Scotland, Marriages, 1561-1910. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013.]
Added by Gordon J Callon on 18 June 2016.
Born 1840–1841, Portree, Inverness-shire, Scotland.
Added by Gordon J Callon on 18 June 2016.
Born 1840–1841, Tobermory, Argyll-shire, Scotland.
The 1851 & 1861 Scotland Censuses list Mary Ann Maclachlan, living in Tobermory, Argyll-shire, as:
1851, at Breadalbane Street South Side: Niel MacKinnon, 32 (b. c. 1819, Tobermory, Argyll-shire), Merchant in Cloth & Groceries; Mary MacKinnon, 34 (b. c. 1817, Tobermory), Sister, Schoolmistress; Ann MacKinnon, 34 (b. c. 1817, Tobermory), Sister, House Keeper; Ann MacLachlan, 19 (b. c. 1832, Tobermory), Cousin; Marjory MacLachlan, 12 (b. c. 1839, Tobermory), Cousin; Mary Ann MacLachlan, 10 (b. c. 1841, Tobermory), Cousin; Dugald MacLachlan, 9 (b. c. 1842, Tobermory), Cousin;
1861, at Breadalbane Street: Niel MacKinnon, 45 (b. c. 1816, Tobermory), General Merchant; Margarey MacKinnon, 22 (b. c. 1839, Tobermory), Wife; Mary MacKinnon, 49 (b. c. 1812, Tobermory), Sister, Schoolmaster; Ann MacKinnon, 47 (b. c. 1814, Tobermory), Sister; Mary Ann MacLachlan, 21 (b. c. 1840, Tobermory), Sister-in-law, Assistant Teacher; Kathrine McKenzie McKinnon, 2 (b. c. 1859, Tobermory), Daughter, Scholar.
Added by Gordon J Callon on 18 June 2016.
The 1871 Scotland Census lists the family of Alexander Cameron & Mary Ann MacLachlan, living at the Procurator Fiscal's House, North Uist, Inverness-shire, as: Alexander Cameron, 30 (b. c. 1841, Portree), Scholar & Procurator Fiscal; Mary Anne MacLachlan Cameron, 30 (b. c. 1841, Tobermory); Catherine Ross Cameron, 2 (b. c. 1869, Lochmaddy, North Uist, Inverness-shire); Donald [Dugald] Gregorson Cameron, 2 Mo (b. c. 1871, Lochmaddy).
Added by Gordon J Callon on 18 June 2016.
Birth: Dugald Gregorson Cameron, Male, 4 February 1871, North Uist, Inverness-shire, Scotland; Father: Alexander Cameron, Mother: Maryann MacLachlan. [Scotland, Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013.]
Added by Gordon J Callon on 18 June 2016.
Birth: Alexander Cameron, Male, 21 August 1872, Portree, Inverness-shire, Scotland; Father: Alexander Cameron, Mother: Mary Ann MacLachlan. [Scotland, Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013.]
Added by Gordon J Callon on 18 June 2016.
Birth: John Donald Cameron, Male, 24 December 1869, North Uist, Inverness-shire, Scotland; Father: Alexander Cameron, Mother: Maryann MacLachlan. [Scotland, Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013.]
Added by Gordon J Callon on 18 June 2016.
Birth: Catharine Ross Cameron, Female, 3 May 1868, North Uist, Inverness-shire, Scotland; Father: Alexander Cameron; Mother: Mary Ann Maclachlan.
Added by Gordon J Callon on 18 June 2016.
Born 1835–1836, Portree, Inverness-shire, Scotland.
Added by Gordon J Callon on 18 June 2016.
Born about 1869, Strath, Inverness-shire, Scotland.
Added by Gordon J Callon on 18 June 2016.
The 1871 Scotland Census lists Alexander MacKenzie & Marion Cameron's family, at the F L Manse in the Parish of Strath, Inverness-shire, as: Alex Mckenzie, 43 (b. c. 1828, Knock, Lewis, Ross-shire), F L Minister of Strath; Marion Mckenzie, 36 (b. c. 1835, Portree); Murdo John Mckenzie, 3 (b. c. 1868, Strath); James Mckenzie, 2 (b. c. 1869, Strath); John Mckenzie, 7 Mo (b. c. 1870, Strath).
Added by Gordon J Callon on 18 June 2016.
The 1841, 1851, & 1861 Scotland Censuses list John Cameron's family, living in Portree, as:
1841: John Cameron, 40 (b. c. 1801, Scotland), Merchant; Catharine Cameron, 25 (b. c. 1816, Scotland); Marion Cameron, 5 (b. c. 1836, Scotland); Donald Cameron, 2 (b. c. 1839, Scotland); Alexr Cameron, 7 Mo (b. c. 1840, Scotland);
1851, at 14 Bosville Terrace: John Cameron, 57 (b. c. 1794, Strontian, Argyll-shire), General Retail Dealer & Ac[?]; Catharine Cameron, 38 (b. c. 1813, Lochcarron, Ross-shire), Dealer's Wife; Donald Cameron, 12 (b. c. 1839, Portree), Scholar; Alexander Cameron, 10 (b. c. 1841, Portree), Scholar; John Cameron, 6 (b. c. 1845, Portree), Scholar; Marion Cameron, 16 (b. c. 1835, Portree), Dressmaker; Jessie Cameron, 9 (b. c. 1842, Portree), Dressmaker; Lewis Albert Necker, 65 (b. c. 1786), Boarder, Late Professor of Mineralogy & Geology at the Academy Geneva [Académie de Genève];
1861, at 10 Bosville Terrace: John Cameron, 60 (b. c. 1801, Ardnamurchan, Argyll-shire), General Merchant; Alexander Cameron, 20 (b. c. 1841, Portree), Clerk; Jessie Cameron, 18 (b. c. 1843, Portree), Housekeeper; John Cameron, 16 (b. c. 1845, Portree), Apprentice Bank Clerk; Ann Cameron, 5 (b. c. 1856, Portree), Scholar; Lewis A Neckers, 76 (b. c. 1785, Switzerland), Boarder, Professor of Geology & Mineralogy.
Added by Gordon J Callon on 18 June 2016.

Born 1794–1801, Strontian, Ardnamurchan, Argyll-shire, SCotland.
Added by Gordon J Callon on 18 June 2016.